Jesse Berger

Jesse Berger is an outspoken advocate for Bitcoin and freedom, and in 2020 he self-published Magic Internet Money: A Book About Bitcoin. Like a spoonful of sugar to help the orange pill go down, the book uses plain language to introduce readers to a variety of topics such as banking, cryptography, economics, governance, and more, shattering popular misconceptions while illuminating the promise of Bitcoin.

Before he tumbled down the Bitcoin rabbit hole in 2017, Jesse spent over a decade in traditional finance. Starting his career in banking just as the Global Financial Crisis struck, you could say he was welcomed to the industry with a crash course in the flaws of fiat currency. That led him to discover Austrian economics and Libertarian philosophy, which have guided his views of money and markets ever since. Subsequently, he’s been an investment advisor, got his MBA, and was a management consultant, where he specialized in customer experience and market research.

Jesse’s fiat career taught him the importance of risk analysis, communication, and relationship building. Bitcoin, meanwhile, taught him the importance of adversarial thinking, patience, and self-determination. An all-seasons athlete, BBQ enthusiast, and writer, he looks forward to sharing his experiences and insights with protégés to help them confidently use Bitcoin, and to understand why it is ushering in a brighter future for all.